Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hunger: a little reading

Once again, I don't get to writing this until morning. Didn't want to turn my computer on when I got home last night, forgot I had a reason to.

Some suggestions of reading material on hunger that I have/do enjoy. There's a lot out there, but these are good suggestions:

World Hunger: Twelve Myths -- this is a basic overview of some of the major misconceptions about hunger and how to deal with it. Written for laymen, easy to read.

Food First -- Another basic overview, same author. I actually haven't finished reading this, but I like what I've seen. Also an easy read.

The World Food Problem -- this is a textbook. If you're looking for an easy read, this is not it. If you're looking for an in-depth explanation of, especially, the economics of hunger in the world, this is the book for you. Very good!

More With Less -- a cookbook with a message: if you want to live a little lighter, to conserve, to do more for yourself and have more to give, this is an essential cookbook. Also has good recipes, but the important sections here are the introduction, which talks about how important food is in the world at large, and the quotes throughout from various cultures on the value of food in the face of hunger.

World Ark -- a bimonthly magazine from Heifer International, there are a number of articles and blurbs each issue on hunger and useful tips on what you can do. You get a free subscription when you donate to Heifer, so give a donation already!

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