Friday, January 05, 2007

So far, so good

Yes, we have a new director at the WHO. A woman, a Chinese woman! And, of course, one of her first priorities is women.

Why? Because women do the best, in most situations, at getting health care to children who need it. Because educating a woman on nutrition affects her entire family. Because women are teachers and nurses and farmers. Good for Dr. Chan!

Second priority is Africa: it's hip, it's got lots of important diseases, and it has the biggest opportunity to show improvement. Of course, it also has the biggest opportunity to fail completely. Good luck, God speed.

At the end of her priorities is bird flu. Why? Because it's not as important as a lot of other things that are going on. But it's the controversy over Dr. Chan; she's Chinese, from the government that hid its bird flu problem (badly). Is she going to favor her non-transparent home government? We'll have to wait and see.

Now, though, she just needs to start the job. Alright, time to show your stuff. Get to work.

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